Saturday, 16 May 2009

A Corrupt Mother of Parliaments

MP’s caught with their hands

in the public till

have outrageously blamed the TILL

for allowing them to act corruptly

This is the quality of the people WE send to parliament. This is the worst example of corrupt human behaviour in a long time. This is from people we supposedly TRUST to run the country? “The SYSTEM allowed us to do this, so WE took ADVANTAGE.” How would this stand up in court? What kind of example is this to set to the rest of the country?

More to the point! How STUPID are WE for sending such rotten people to our legislature, to enact laws by which society should live.

It is a privilege for them to be in Parliament, and they should not behave like pigs at a trough. Many claim £70,000 is NOT enough for them to do their jobs? How dare they say that? Many are poor calibre individuals who are lucky to have ANY employment. Porn, nappies, food—all at the taxpayer’s expense? So what do they spend their salaries on?

Who set up such a system? Should we blame anybody but OURSELVES if the MP’s set up the trough they feed from later on?

With some of the silly and frivolous laws that are coming onto the statute books, especially in the realms of Health and Safety, it would seem the MP’s are NOT up to the job they claim their salaries for. It is then even more cynical then, that many have OTHER JOBS and other salaries that occupy their time. Unable to do their Parliamentary jobs, they join a number of Boards as Directors for larger salaries, and even that is NOT ENOUGH, they then put through expenses on Moats, hanging baskets, pot plants, and other facetious items while “flipping” their residences to maximise the expense fiddle.

Get rid of them all. Start afresh but with new rules. If they don’t like it—they don’t have to stand for Parliament. Let them find another charity to give them handouts.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Apology NOT accepted, Gordon

Gordon Brown’s “expenses apology” is about as useless as is Gordon himself. He didn’t apologise for the Labour Party, or for himself—in his arrogant omnipotence, he said, "I want to apologise on behalf of politicians of ALL PARTIES for what has happened in the events of the last few days." He went on, "We must show that, where mistakes have been made and errors have been discovered, where wrongs have to be righted, that that is done so IMMEDIATELY." If not sooner? He does think regally, does he not…and with DICTATS. His silly pronouncements know no bounds. Does he dream these stunts up with his PR partner?

Gordon—The country demands you resign and hold elections immediately! YOUR CORRUPT SETUP MUST GO!

All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.