Sunday, 28 December 2008

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Bungling Gordon Brown and his ‘spend our way out of recession’ disaster theory

Gordon Brown is inviting people to spend their hard earned money to help him and his pathetic government get out of this recession, hoping the people will be stupid enough to get into more debt so he can prance around on the world stage claiming his remedy is working.

Thanks to Gordon, this country is sinking into horrendous debt, which will be a millstone round the necks of future generations for a long time to come.

The silly 2½% VAT cut is the most ludicrous idea yet, prompting the German Finance Minister to make fun of the stunt, saying to Newsweek, “Are you really going to buy a DVD player because it now costs £39.10 instead of £39.90?” There is NO sense of propriety or prudence in this shambles of a Labour government.

Gordon even brought that fart Peter Mandelson back to bolster his team—reminding people how much spin and corruption permeates his government. Roll on the next election.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

I Give You My Heart for Solstice--Xmas

Mi Corazon
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.