Sunday, 13 July 2008

Sodomite Bishop's anti-Christian morality

Being a simple cat I don't always follow what my carer is on about but here it is anyway.

Sodomite Gene Robinson, the newly created Bishop of New Hampshire, will be preaching at St Mary's Church in Putney, west London on Sunday 13/7/08, and in the process, giving those in the UK foolish enough to listen, his permissive version of morality and ethics whilst adding to the split in the Anglican Church with his anti-Christian crappy dogma. The consequence of his self indulgent exhibitionist behaviour will be to help the spread of Islam. What’s next? Sticking a penis in someone’s ear and calling that sex?

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Our Self Destructive Instant Gratification Society

A thought for the day from my carer.
Our selfish destructive personal interrelationships, where couples don’t last for more than a year before their immaturity and self-centredness fracture ill forged bonds, is dooming Europeans to a similar fate as the Neanderthals. ‘Me,’ ‘Me,’ ‘Me,’ ends up in acrimony, mutual accusations, and alimony, leaving any children invariably without a father paradigm. The blame lies squarely with the current PARENTING STYLES—which is customarily PERMISSIVE.

Permissive Style of Parenting: This is a style where there are few rules laid down, and any rules set are usually not consistently enforced. The parents don't want to be tied down to routines. They want their children to feel free. They do not set clear boundaries or expectations for their children's behaviour and are over indulgent, so the children have no idea of self-discipline or how to behave in society. To add to the problem, society has become equally permissive, producing the current result.

Thus, we have a 16-year-old kid partying in a pub at 2 am in the morning ending up in a knife fight. What was a 16-year-old doing in a PUB? Why was he out at 2 am? Where were the parents? What the hell were thinking, letting this 16-year-old out that late at night?They were being PERMISSIVE, and they paid the high price for their permissivness.

Everything now tends to be instant gratification and junk food—the ‘I want it now’ lunacy. Education is stacked with permissive teachers, the junk Government buckles to all sorts of minority campaigns. Society as a whole has come out of this 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s lefty permissiveness completely unable to cope with relationships or bring up children. Dysfunctional parents produce dysfunctional children who then produce NO children and the population tumbles. This is the future for Europe with the current trend.If Government was less self-centred and actually guided society, and NOT towards some socialist dogma crap, but actually took a lead in promoting an Authoritative Parenting Style, where children learn to be responsible for themselves and to think about the consequences of their behaviour, where boundaries are imposed and positively supervised, there could be some hope. With the Teaching profession, we need to start again. Unfortunately, MP’s are to busy fiddling their expenses to do what they were elected to do—that is GOVERN those who elected them to do just that.

How Governments nurture their societies, how parents nurture their progeny, reflects on the countries health. The future of a country is its children—more to the point—the children are your life-after-death, not some religious paradise fantasy. Children are the sole reason for any human’s life, not some religious drivel. Every animal knows this instinctively—yet we humans often rationalise ourselves out of this fundamental knowledge. To the blind, CAREERS are more important than children. Come on folks—wake up!
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.