Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Kosovo——EU’s Shameful Protectorate

More thoughts from my carer.
The sham “independence” illegally declared by a small group of Albanians, carved out of Serbia, will come to haunt the deceitful West. France has Corsican “independence” to contend with as well as Bretons and Basques on its territory. Britain has Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Northern Ireland tearing the “union” apart. Italy has the Northern League wanting to detach Lombardy from the rest of the lazy corrupt south—remodelling its provinces into a novel form of the latter day City States of old. Spain has the Basque problem with Catalonia watching developments closely.

Supporting Kosovo’s Albanians is a Pandora’s Box. Russia threatens Georgia with Abkhazian “independence” making Chechnya, Dagestan, and Ossetia vulnerable. The US has Puerto Rica clamouring to breakaway. Opening this Pandora’s Box is a charter for the dissolution of the nation state. There was no justification for NATO to have got involved with Serbia, barring the egging on from Muslim Asiatic Turkey baying for action on its legacy. In fact, all efforts should have been to avoid another Muslim state in Europe—instead, on the dogma of Human Rights for these resurgent Muslims, where there was one Muslim Albania; Europe is now lumbered with Muslim Bosnia, Muslim Albania, and Muslim Kosovo.It is like watching someone digging their own grave—spouting some useless nonsense dogma as an excuse. How stupid the West has become with US inspired PC, French constructed Human Rights, and a European misguided liberalism, all used as shovels in the grave digging. I am sorry to be a witness to this defeatism by a weak-kneed EU bent on its own destruction.
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