Another gripe from my carer.
During the propagandistic Cold War period, Europe was simplistically divided into East and West—where the East was demonized while the West was bathed in the eternal light of “freedom.” So much for propaganda. I should think it only right that geography reasserts itself as to what lies in East Europe and what lies in West Europe, but with one major proviso, that the ousted Central Europe is reinstated into its proper place in history and geography, a place it had always occupied up until WWII. Note the map below. Europe extends from the tip of Portugal at Cabo de São Vincente to the Urals, a distance of some 5320 kilometres; divide that by three and we get 1773. From Cabo de São Vincente to the French-German border is roughly the first 1773 km—then from there to the Belarus-Russo border is the next approximate 1773 km. and from there to the Urals is the final rough 1773 km. Therefore, the divisions of Western, Central, and Eastern Europe are as shown on the map above, not as the media fantasises. Re-educating the media to mention Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Rumania, and Bulgaria as Central European countries would be an uphill struggle of Herculean proportions—but that would be the correct nomenclatures rather than the simplistic Cold War mind set the media has at the moment. The only "Eastern Eruopeans" are the Russians, but it served their interests to have everyone else labeled "Easter European".
Sadly, I have to accept that my constant gripe about dogma and mindsets will continue until the very end.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Sunday, 13 January 2008
New Year Resolutions
I was watching my carer playing darts on his wall (see picture) and cursing the Islamic Fascists when he suddenly smiled and began talking to me.There are positive things that people could do to make life more manageable in the New Year, such as stopping drinking, smoking, gambling, and using drugs. These are the nasties that keep people oppressed, not religion, as Marx wrongly suggested. When people look at their debts after Christmas, they might look at where their money goes. If its to these addictions—give them the boot. I have, and my finances are healthy. Mind you, religion doesn’t help.
Give the Nasties the Boot
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Lobby Led Governments
Happy New 2008 Year but without Islam, from me and my carer.
There’s some weird stuff going on out there that will end in tears.
Government policies run by various campaign groups with the help of the media. Ever since CND, at the start of the 1960’s, with its mass protests, Governments have been reactive rather than proactive. Even if an NGO brings out a million people onto the streets, that is no reason for the government to ignore the rest of the millions of the population and cow tow to this noisy minority who are trying to bypass the democratic process. Lobbyists and all sorts of self interest groups undermine the whole point of a democratically elected government. Even now CND, a defunct campaign group, can’t seem to dissolve itself and looks for other battles to wage.
In Britain, one of the noisiest self interest groups at the moment are the tiny group of Muslims who are even demanding that Councils allow them to broadcast a call to prayer over loudspeakers, to the anger of the majority of Christians. All this has occurred because politicians seem not to be able to distinguish the necessary popularity of the hustings, and the need to carry through declared policies. The politicians like Blair and Brown want to be popular ALL the time—which is pure fantasy. Then there is the media which makes a ginormous meal out of a large demo, making any government squirm and dither. Most European Governments are now gutless, especially when it comes to this Muslim invasion of Europe. Instead of protecting Europe from this invasion, dogma driven louts like Prodi, Zapatero and Sarkozy are trying to invite the southern Med countries into a Med Union, presumably with their version of Schengen, allowing the whole of North Africa to settle in Europe. Pure madness–but that’s their answer to the Muslim invasion.
Islam is devious, false, and extremely nasty--wait and see!
There’s some weird stuff going on out there that will end in tears.
Government policies run by various campaign groups with the help of the media. Ever since CND, at the start of the 1960’s, with its mass protests, Governments have been reactive rather than proactive. Even if an NGO brings out a million people onto the streets, that is no reason for the government to ignore the rest of the millions of the population and cow tow to this noisy minority who are trying to bypass the democratic process. Lobbyists and all sorts of self interest groups undermine the whole point of a democratically elected government. Even now CND, a defunct campaign group, can’t seem to dissolve itself and looks for other battles to wage.
In Britain, one of the noisiest self interest groups at the moment are the tiny group of Muslims who are even demanding that Councils allow them to broadcast a call to prayer over loudspeakers, to the anger of the majority of Christians. All this has occurred because politicians seem not to be able to distinguish the necessary popularity of the hustings, and the need to carry through declared policies. The politicians like Blair and Brown want to be popular ALL the time—which is pure fantasy. Then there is the media which makes a ginormous meal out of a large demo, making any government squirm and dither. Most European Governments are now gutless, especially when it comes to this Muslim invasion of Europe. Instead of protecting Europe from this invasion, dogma driven louts like Prodi, Zapatero and Sarkozy are trying to invite the southern Med countries into a Med Union, presumably with their version of Schengen, allowing the whole of North Africa to settle in Europe. Pure madness–but that’s their answer to the Muslim invasion.
Islam is devious, false, and extremely nasty--wait and see!
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.