Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Why the Hell Should I Like Muslims?

Just before Christmas, the lazy fat cats at Channel 4 produce "Make Me a Muslim" in their sycophantic attempts to suck up to these illegal immigrants. The Muslims push and shout, and this appeasing society gives way. WHY? Just gone soft. No such problem with Islam---they will push and push until they push this soft liberal society over the cliff--and in the language of the "survival of the fittest" the losers will have deserved it.

From the Dictatorship of the Proletariat to the Dictatorship of the KGB

Just a thought for Christmas from my carer.
Wishful selling:—
Молодежное демократическое антифашистское движение «Наши»
Whereas reality is:—
Молодежное антидемократическое фашистское движение «Наши»
Putinjugend— Hitlerjugend—Putin Youth—Hitler Youth—spot the difference
Thus as Russia alienates itself from any possible democracy for the foreseeable future, corruption embeds itself within this society. Why oh why have the Russians deserved such poor leadership—why do they put up with these petty dictators. The Ukraine rebelled when the Russian immigrant attempted to fraudulently fix their elections, and the Orange Revolution flowered, yet the Russians suffer their own fools gladly. Hundreds of years of a serf mentality, followed by seventy years of communist brainwashing has eroded their self respect as human beings. Now with this Belarus “anschluss” the Russians expand their travesty to another ten million gormless acolytes of “How not to Rule” in the 21st Century. Putin rattles his marbles in an artificial attempt to stir up Russian nationalism, making the West cringe in mock despair at his antics, and all the relaxed expectations following the Cold War go out of the window. Come on Russia—kick Putin and his KGB stooges back into the sewers where they came from.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Over 11,000 Illegal Immigrants Working in the UK SECURITY INDUSTRY

My poor carer slammed his fist down and then rushed to the computer and penned this.
I’m of the opinion that this abysmal incompetent government is not fit for purpose. We have had over 2,000 serious foreign criminals, who should have been deported, let out of prison into the community. We have over 11,000 illegal immigrants working in the SECURITY INDUSTRY. We have over a million illegal immigrants embedded in our society, taking up housing, using social services, abusing our medical facilities. These are the people who have NO RIGHT to be here. Worse, they are also vocal in DEMANDING they be allowed to stay. How on earth did a British Government end up so incompetent? The answer is simple: they adhered to DOGMA rather than sense. Political Correctness, Human Rights, Asylum Law, and all sorts of other liberal idiocy have taken precedence over the welfare of the rights of the ordinary taxpayer. Shame on such maladministration and dysfunctionality.

Sunday, 2 December 2007


A Christmas message from my carer.
Can you imagine a Christian in a Muslim country complaining about a Muslim festival he/she has to put up with—the Muslim authorities would either put him/her in jail or worse, give them 40 lashes. So why do we put up with Muslim gripes about Christmas? Christmas is being downgraded or even quietly ignored in many schools as a policy of appeasement and Political Correctness. WHY DO WE PUT UP WITH IT? Can someone tell me?Why has Britain become so WET, so sickeningly SOFT that they blame themselves instead of others? Why has Britain lost its guts, its spunk, its manhood? Has it anything to do with GETTIING IN TOUCH WITH YOUR FEMENINE SIDE? The Government will legislate against racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, but not against an infiltrating invasion of Muslims who are out to put their filthy green flag over Dawning Street.

You gets what you deserve. Not prepared to stand up—THEN GET SWAMPED!
All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.